Dear Whoever You Might Be,
I cannot believe I have not blogged since Halloween. That is truly shameful. Truly. But I have a very legitimate excuse. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind for me. Basically the "twister that took Dorothy to the yellow brick road" kind of whirlwind...except mine didn't stop in Oz. It stopped at home.
As some of you may know, I took up writing another blog. It is for my internship and it follows my journey volunteering for Catherine's House over the last and next few weeks. If you want to read that too, do!
I like being able to plug my own accomplishments in my blog! But that's why I have been super crazy busy. Mostly. That and school work. As much as I love being an English major, sometimes the amount of reading to be done is beyond possible. One hundred pages of Dostoevsky to read in two days. Not a problem. Acts one through three of Antony and Cleopatra due tomorrow. Why not? But add three other classes (two more English and one Education) on top of that and I just want to be like "Whoa. Hang on for the ride."
But even then, that doesn't sound too, too bad. Right? Well then add the internship, the outside volunteering for the internship, the blogging, the sorority meetings, events, and planning for all this stuff. Then factor in a few minutes here and there to eat and an occasional nap and that leaves just enough time in the day to watch Gilmore Girls and have a quick "How are you?" conversation with my suitemates. This semester has been flying like the Wicked Witch's monkeys.
I've basically become a machine the last few weeks in trying to get it all done. Like the Tinman! Ok, that was a stretch but I had to make another Wizard of Oz reference because it is on the television right now. Here's a fun fact: In my senior year of highschool my school did the Wizard of Oz and I was cast as the Tinman! I was actually the best heartless woodsman there ever once was.
But enough about me. Why? Because I am absolutely exhausted now that I have time to relax. I came home two days ago and started my Thanksgiving break early. Skipping classes and all. I've got the heated blanket turned up high and a stack of books on the bed-side table. Granted, they are books for school but it is so much more exciting when I can read them in my bed at home before falling into a restful slumber, rather than rushing to finish before class.