Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Dear Whoever You Might Be,

      Well, I missed April's month of "stuff." Too bad. I was swamped with final papers and exams and spending time with all of the lovely people who will be graduating in a few days and El Blogge went on the back burner. But now I'm back in action for the summer and ready to keep a steady schedule...or at least I hope to keep a steady schedule.

      Even though I am home for the summer, it doesn't feel like it. For starters, my school always lets out before everyone else. I'm not complaining; I mean, it's great to have a long summer vacation. But unfortunately, most other people aren't out yet which means I have no one to hang out with. Cry me a river, right?

      For the most part though, it doesn't feel like summer because of the weather. The majority of people think that Global Warming makes the temperature warmer on a day-to-day basis. Well people who think that, you are wrong. See, Global Warming DOES make the weather warmer....in the North Pole. Then, all the ice caps melt. You know all those cheesy commercials about saving the polar bears? That is for reals. The ice is melting and alllllll that precious fresh water makes its way down south to the normal oceans. The massive amounts of fresh water interferes with the normal amounts of things in the ocean. The currents get screwed up and low and behold, the jet stream gets completely thrown out of whack. And how is our weather determined? By that very same jet stream (among a whole bunch of other things). Therefore, the water is colder and the temperatures get colder.

      It is May seventh. The temperature outside? Sixty-Two and RAINING. There has been so many clouds, so much rain, so much ickyness that it makes me want to just run away and live on a tropical island where there is no humidity. I know...I should just keep dreaming.

      Weather like this is only good for a few things. 1). Snuggle up and watch a good movie. Rom-Com, Classic, Mystery. It doesn't really matter as long as it is a movie that you enjoy. 2). Snuggle up and read a good book. For me that means Beautiful Creatures. Don't judge. It's pretty good and it is a nice brain-break after finals and before I start thesis work. Rainy-day books make me think of Wuthering Heights  or  Northanger Abbey or something a little lighter like Twilight or Harry Potter. 3). Snuggle up and take a nap. 4). Snuggle up and do some arts & crafts. 5). Basically, snuggle up and do anything that doesn't require too much exertion nor going outside.

      On days like this, my dearest readers, remember Winnie the Pooh. That's right. Winnie the Pooh:
                                    ^^^Watch it and SMILE ^^^


1 comment:

  1. Meg, I did smile when I saw Pooh, poor Pooh, Piglet and MayMay!! The weather in Florida and Georgia was not any better than here. At least we are a lot more North and can say that is why we are so cold and rainy. Love Ya, Grandma
