- Color- This is not a particularly light and fluffy color, but I have been wearing a lot of black lately. It might be to reflect my mood, or it might be because it is slimming, but black has definitely been the color this month. Don't get me wrong, I have not been Eeyor-ing it up lately, I have just been rather stressed, as I mentioned last post. Black also goes with most everything, so on mornings when I am too tired to think of anything else, I go for the standard.
- Book- Ha Ha Ha...that is a funny if I have time to read a book! But there is one thing... my secondary thesis advisor gave me a mini book called From St. Isaac The Syrian to Dostoevsky. As my Dostoevsky obsession comes from her, she thought it fit to bestow this gem into my care for a while as I work on my thesis. I have not opened it up yet but it is there waiting for when I am truly in the depths of thesis despair and need to be reminded why
in hellon earth I picked this topic. Lately, Dostoevsky and I have been having some domestic disputes and I'm worried it will turn into an all out war. So this point stands ready, waiting for the right moment to intervene before chaos ensues. - Song- Easily and unquestionably and absolutely the song this month (and probably for the rest of the semester) is "Wake Me Up" by Avicii. I first heard this song over the summer, before everyone else did of course, and it spoke to my soul. I listened to it more and more and realized that this song literally tells my life story as it currently stands as a senior in college. It is the primordial explanation for all the feelings I feel, and simultaneously, it is a great song to just get up and dance to. When I am stressed, I listen to this song. When I am happy and motivated, I listen to this song. Here it is, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do: Wake Me UP.
PS- I wish that I could stay forever this young...