- Color- Since I live near Annapolis, I think it is appropriate to declare the color for this most fantastic month is NAVY. I like navy and white, navy and yellow, navy and pink. I like looking at the Navy men in their crisp uniforms. Navy is one of those classic colors. It is a staple for a lot of weddings and for a lot of home décor. It is one of those prime summer colors, for it's crispness looks elegant and casual all at once.
- Book- Although I am currently reading "East of Eden" for my thesis, I want to kind of switch gears and not do the one I am reading nightly. Instead, the book this month is officially "Love Letters of Great Men." It is a compilation of, well, love letters written by some of the great men to their beloveds. The list includes Mark Twain, Beethoven, Henry VIII, and Oscar Wilde. It is one of those books that warms your heart and helps the sentiments rise and when you receive it as a gift, it makes the sentiment even that much higher =)
- Song- In sticking with the deviation, I think this months song shouldn't really be a song....but rather, a noise. I think June is the perfect month for thunder. Obviously there is a thunder storm almost every single afternoon in June, but nothing beats the sound of rolling thunder in the late afternoon of a summer day. Even if there is no cooling rain or flashing lightning, the sound of the thunder always makes me stop and listen and look outside in anticipation for a potential storm.
Specialty of the Month- Birthdays- Yesterday was my twenty-first birthday. I can honestly and whole-heartedly tell you that I have never had any alcohol before yesterday, and I think I had enough to last me a while. Needless to say, I am spending my day today laying very low and just taking it easy. So for all those who like to rage, I would just like to say, make sure you have enchanting friends who can take care of you in times of desperation. Because I had a few, and it made all the difference in the world.
P.S. Juniper plants actually smell pretty bad...kind of like cat pee. Yet somehow, I think of Junipers when I think of the month June. Probably because they sound the same...