Monday, June 3, 2013

Allegory of the Cave

Dear Whoever You Might Be,

      I caved. I caved big time. Usually I pride myself on not conforming to major least not conforming when it is popular to do so. I didn't get a Facebook until February of my senior year of high school. I didn't get an ipod until the summer before my freshman year of *college*. When I went to Israel in the fall of my senior year of high school, I took a CD player and a handful of CDs. Old school. I still don't have a Twitter and my phone is a dinosaur from the stone age. That's right folks, I can't snapchat you even if I wanted. But on Thursday night, my holding out took a nose dive into the ground when I got a Pinterest.

      This may come as a shocker and I apologize for any sudden heart palpitations, but up until Thursday, I never wanted a Pinterest. Everyone insisted that I get one because apparently, I seem like just the kind of person who would have one. I always secretly reveled in the knowledge that "Ha. I am a like a neo-hipster because I haven't caved even after it is cool." Now, that may make me nothing more than a freak with a weird sense of personal achievement, but I have been darn proud of myself for holding out this long. I guess I can not longer claim one small step for man, one giant leap for Megan-kind, can I?

      I really have nothing more to say on the matter other than, what would Plato say? He claims that the people in the cave are stupid and unenlightened and need to be brought into the light of the sun in order to know basically everything. So, does joining the realm of Pinterest mean I have stepped into the light? Does the expression "This, that, or the other CAVED" always insinuate something negative? Is conformity more appropriate to crawling back into the dark cave on my hands and knees and begging to stay? Or, is conforming to the general consensus part of what Plato considers enlightenment? The biggest question is probably this: Would Plato even give a flying banana pancake about my joining Pinterest? Probably not, and therefore, I will leave it at that.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so the opposite! This is very funny to me -- I had Pinterest while it was still in beta and when you had to have an invitation to join. I switch over my FB to the new thing as soon as I can. I jumped on instagram. I *adore* new stuff in the technology arena! Ha! I was a blogger long before it was cool -- I guess you can say I pave the way for you, Megan (since 2003, for Pete's sake)! LOL! :)
