Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gobble It Up

Dear Whoever You Might Be,

      Yesterday I hopped on an airplane and flew to Huntsville, AL where I am spending the Thanksgiving holiday with my lovely extended family. I was oh-so *thankful* to fly out yesterday since, from what I have heard, flying out today was kukulafrandandolly (aka crazy). Yesterday was a bit hectic too, and if you live on the east-coast, you know why. The wind was blustering, the rain was torrential-ing, and the coldness was freezing.

      When I left Charlotte Intl Airport, I thought we were in for a bumpy ride. The pilot predicted it, and anyone with eyes could see that we were headed up into the dark masses of storm. The first ten-fifteen minutes of the flight was rocky for sure with babies wailing and flight attendant's pacing. *Thankfully,* it was a pretty empty flight so I had no one sitting in front of me nor directly next to me. I got pretty comfortable and since take-off is my favorite part of flying, I sat back and tried to enjoy it all. I love the feeling when the wheels break from the runway and your stomach lifts up with the plane. But something pretty incredible happened mid-flight. And here are my sappy words to tell ya'll about it:

      When we dashed through the atmosphere and burst through the clouds, the sun was shining. That's right. The sun. I hadn't seen it all day, for the darkness consumed the sky since morning. But when we emerged, the sun made the clouds glow. We were no longer in the gray shadow and turbulent haze. No, now we were above it all and looking down on the vast spans of rolling thunder clouds. Looking out the window, I saw something spectacular. From this view, it felt like we were flying over snowy mountains speckled only by shadow. Above us the blue atmosphere bled into a rainbow which ended in violet waves and white foam. The horizon gave one last kiss as we started to descend, and the glimmer of hopeful sunshine diminished as we dove back into the gray. The last gap of orange began to close until there was nothing but a thin, straight line splitting the black above with the gray below. With a blink of an eye, it was gone; and we continued the rocky descent back into the storm. But for those twenty minutes, I am so *thankful*. It brought peace onto the flight and peace into my heart as I prepared to spend some quality time with family.

      I know it might be a bit ridiculous to talk about my hour and a half flight for a Thanksgiving post, but I wanted to convey the point that this time of year, you have to be thankful for all the little things in life as well. The beautiful sky was my little gift, and I don't feel any less blessed for that than I am for everything else in life.

      So for tomorrow on Thanksgiving, don't just gobble up the turkey, but gobble up all the little moments that make life precious.


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